astronomy Newsletter


June 19 2018 Astronomy Newsletter

Hi everybody

Here is the latest article from the Astronomy site at

Art on the Moon – Fallen Astronaut
Did you know there are artworks on the Moon? And “Moon Museum” hitched a ride attached to Apollo 11's lunar module. But the “Fallen Astronaut” statuette lies on the Moon's surface. Here's how it got there.

*Women in Space*
The anniversaries of two firsts for women in space occur this month. On June 16, 1963 Valentina Tereshkova in Vostok 6 became the first woman in space. With a single flight, she logged more flight time than the combined times of all American astronauts who had flown before that date. She's the only woman ever to make a solo space flight. Two days after the 20th anniversary of her flight, NASA finally got around to sending a woman in space. The brilliant Sally Ride was a crew member of STS-7 Challenger, launched June 18, 1983. She later became the first woman to go into space a second time.

*Birth anniversaries*
(1) June 10, 1710. James Short – Sottish telescope maker and astronomer. He produced the first telescopes with nearly distortionless mirrors.
(2) June 13, 1831. James Clerk Maxwell – Scottish scientist and mathematician. He showed that electricity, magnetism, and light are all aspects of the same phenomenon, electromagnetism.
(3) June 17, 1799. William Lassell – English merchant and astronomer. He was known for his improvements to the reflecting telescope and his discoveries, e.g., two of the moons of Neptune.

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I wish you clear skies. 

Mona Evans, Astronomy Editor 

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