astronomy Newsletter


August 5 2018 Astronomy Newsletter

Hi everybody

Here is the latest article from the Astronomy site at

Vulpecula ? the Little Fox
Vulpecula isn't a well known constellation, and its stars are dim. Yet it's interesting. It contains both the first planetary nebula and the first pulsar ever discovered, a handful of exoplanets, and part of the biggest structure in the known Universe.

*Look out for Perseids*
This meteor shower is expected to peak on the night of August 12/13. It will be near the new moon, so even faint meteors may be visible. Note that Perseid meteors are already being spotted and that the nights around the peak will also provide a number of meteors.

When August comes around, the best sky show of the year is also on its way. The Perseids are an annual meteor shower. What's it all about and how can you see it?

*Birth anniversaries*
(1) August 5, 1930: Neil Armstrong, Apollo 11 astronaut and the first human to set foot on another world..
(2) August 8, 1948: cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya, the second woman in space. She's had a distinguished career as an aviator and an astronaut.

(1) August 5, 2011: NASA's Juno spacecraft was launched to Jupiter. It's still getting amazing close-up pictures of the giant planet.
(2) August 6, 1961: Vostok 2 was launched and Gherman Titov became the second man in space. He carried out the first full-day space mission, and was the first person to sleep in space.
(3) August 6, 2012: NASA's Curiosity rover anded on Mars. Six years later the rover is still providing data that help to develop an understanding of Mars
(4) August 8, 1989 ? ESA's Hipparcos observatory was launched ? it was the first space experiment devoted to the accurate measurement of the positions of celestial objects on the sky.

Please visit? even more great content about Astronomy. I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum? in response to this email message. I welcome your feedback!

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I wish you clear skies.?

Mona Evans, Astronomy Editor?

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