atheist Newsletter

Atheist / Agnostic

July 3 2007 Atheist / Agnostic Newsletter

I've finally posted my latest article, a report on the arrest of "Reverend Billy" for preaching the Constitution in Union Square, Manhattan. The NYPD
arrested the activist for his public recitation of the First Amendment under harassment charges. You'll find the article, and several related links, here:

Also, it has been a little slow in the forum lately. If you get a chance to stop by and post a message or two, it would be greatly appreciated! As always, the forum can be found here:

Also, do let me know (either by email or forum post) if any of you have seen "What Would Jesus Buy?", the documentary on Reverend Billy and his Church of Stop Shopping.

Alicia Soueid, Atheist / Agnostic Editor

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