bahai Newsletter


October 23 2014 Baha'i Newsletter

Yikes! In the process of changing servers, there has been a catastrophic loss of data, including about the last two months of articles/forum entries and updates. Data through August 24, 2014 have been restored from archives, on the theory that old stuff was better than no stuff, but the newest articles cannot be reached as yet.

So, links in the last several newsletters will not work until (if) servers can be restarted or recovered--or I can restore from my archives--in which case all the links will need to be reset.

Sorry that you all are caught up in computer glitch. I know it is common in the industry, but really, Bella Online has been so remarkably steady that I just wasn't prepared for this to happen! I will be sure to send you updates when everything is back in place, one way or another.

Also, we can (I think) continue to add new content, and I will have a new article Saturday, as usual. I hope. If not, please don't worry. We'll get it worked out sooner or later.

Cheryll Schuette, Baha'i Editor

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