bahai Newsletter


March 12 2011 Baha'i Newsletter

Well, the songbirds think it's Spring around my house, but it snowed day before yesterday and the ground is still frozen enough that the rain the day before is flooding the lawns and fields. Not a disaster, however. Nothing like what's happened in Japan, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand! I have friends in all those places and it is really a strange feeling to watch news reports of places I recognize, all in rubble. I've heard from the NZ friends, but still nothing from the others. It's probably too soon for power and phone lines to be restored...

Meanwhile, we are still packing at our house, prepping to move to California for a few months, before heading further out on the Pacific Rim to New Zealand. I hope all of you are enjoying the change of seasons, perhaps planning for trips or vacations later in the year. One of the ways we have spent vacation time is attending a session at a Bahá'í school somewhere in the world, and each of them is different in setting, but the same in fellowship.

Over the next few months, I will be reviewing some of the ones in the USA (if I'm lucky, some in other places, too) starting today -

Review - Louhelen Bahá'í School
There are five permanent Bahá'í retreat and conference centers in the United States, plus regional schools that are organized around rented venues. Each one has its own personality and advantages. This is the first of several reviews.

If you have suggestions, questions or Bahá'í school experiences to share, stop by the community forum located here -

I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

Cheryll Schuette, Baha'i Editor

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