biology Newsletter


December 13 2006 Biology Newsletter

Dear Readers,

Here's the latest article from the Biology site at

_Herbicides affect more than herbs_
Herbicides are used commonly without much consideration, but the chemicals designed to kill weeds affect more than plants. Learn about how and where herbicides are often applied, and trace the path of one common herbicide from yard to ocean.

This article is an introduction to a series of articles about important ecosystems; actually, writing this article is what inspired the series I am now starting. Next week, I will write an article on the role of wetlands in ocean health. In upcoming weeks I will also write about the importance of prairie grass and how alternative fuel research might be playing a role in protecting our country's amber waves of grain.

To read more about alternatives to herbicides and pesticides, check out this article at the BellaOnline Landscaping site:

Comment on _Herbicides affect more than herbs_ or other biology articles in the Biology Forum:

Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Alegra Bartzat, Biology Editor

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