buddhism Newsletter


April 19 2011 Buddhism Newsletter

Hi all,

I have two very different articles for you this week:

Movies with Buddhist Themes
Many wonderful Buddhist movies have been made in recent years, but what about movies that don't explicitly feature Buddhism, but might be said to explore Buddhist themes? Here's a list of some of my favorites - films exploring the nature of reality, consciousness, awakening, rebirth, and karma.

Psychoanalysis and Buddhism - Mixing Minds Review
The book Mixing Minds: The Power of Relationship in Psychoanalysis and Buddhism is an in-depth exploration of both traditions, and especially of the relationship between analyst and analysand, and Buddhist teacher and student.

I hope you find these articles helpful, and I encourage you to participate in the Buddhism forum, found at http://forums.bellaonline.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=postlist&Board=351&page=1 .

In closing, here's a passage from the first chapter of Mixing Minds by Pilar Jennings, the book reviewed in the article above:

"When the deliriously happy Indian saint Neem Karoli Baba, affectionately known as Maharaj-ji, was told by a grieving student that his or her life was filled with suffering, he smiled and said 'So is mine. But I don't mind the suffering so much.'...He wasn't forever smiling because he had somehow been spared the great suffering that is so pervasive to the human condition. His enlightenment spoke to an altered relationship to suffering, and not its extinction."

In Peace,
Lisa Erickson, Buddhism Editor
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