cancer Newsletter


March 13 2012 Cancer Newsletter

Hello and I hope you are having a great week!

Take a look at my Mini-series called Food X-Factor 101. I have 2 articles up so far and my last one next week will be on Trace Minerals.

Be sure to click on the Eatwell Plate, it is colorful and can be printed.
If you have kids, it will help you to get their meals balanced or if you need help with weight issues, or chronic illness, check out EmmaCarderRD!

Hope the rest of your week is blessed and healthy!

Here's the latest article from the Cancer site at

Food X-Factor 101 - Essential Minerals
In this article I talk about the importance of Essential Minerals. It is the second part of my short series on good nutrition through proper food sources. I include two website links that offer a wealth of information for overall good eating, and help for special needs cases. Click for more!

Please visit for even more great content about Cancer.

Be sure to "share" online, and pass along to family and friends. Always good to help others!

Follow me on Twitter @RannPatterson, and check out who I follow. I am finding some great resources! Blessings,

Rann Patterson, Cancer Editor

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