I hope everyone's week is off to a good start.
Here's the latest article from the Christian Literature site at I apologize if it seems wordy....there really aren't many alternatives for "prayer".
3 Books on Prayer
Prayer is a powerful part of the Christian walk yet so many of us do not spend enough time talking to our heavenly father. Why? What makes communication so difficult? These three books will help you get used to praying and to formulate prayers of your own.
Looking ahead, I'm excited about the upcoming months! With the holidays nearly upon us, I'll be giving some gift suggestions. Also, you can expect some reviews of a Christian's views of Halloween, the power of Thanksgiving, and Christmas legends.
Drop by the forum and share your views on prayer. Why do you think it is more difficult to find time to communicate with your heavenly father? What ignites a passion for prayer inside you? What is the most difficult part of your prayer life?
I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. Your feedback is always welcome!
Lyn Sedmina, Christian Literature Editor
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