cleaning Newsletter


October 5 2006 Cleaning Newsletter

Hello Bellaonline Cleaning Newsletter Reader!

How are you? I've been busy, busy, busy. This time of year is intense for me because I do a lot of fall cleaning -- more than I do in the spring, in fact. I like cleaning thoroughly in the fall because of the impending holidays -- I want to have my cleaning BEHIND me so I can enjoy the holidays instead of slaving for months on end.

I also like to clean thoroughly because this is when we typically shut up our houses in the northern hemisphere. All my down under readers will be getting ready to OPEN their houses, in which case, you can use my "Bust Clutter Month" series for your spring cleaning! So what have I got in store for you this week?

Bust Clutter in One Month
In this one-month clutter series, you´ll learn what clutter is and isn´t, how clutter happens, clutter vs. disorganization, and tips to keep you clutter free. Plus, each article has specific clutter goals to focus on! October is also THE perfect month to tackle clutter.

Why October?
The holidays are coming and you’ll be hauling even more stuff into the house, creating the need for more space. The cooler weather is also perfect for holding a garage sale. I’ve got mine planned for the end of this week and I've been busy getting rid of all kinds of junk. I do this each fall and I invite you to join me this month.

Guess what I found in all the cleaning out, too? Mold. Serious mold.

I decided to sell an area rug in my media room, and when we lifted it up, all we could feel was squish, squish. The carpet underneath was soaked! Apparently a brick on the outside of our house had come loose and water would pour in when it rained. This had been happening for three years! And this was the room that keep making me cough all last year. The carpet is torn up and the sheetrock in the room is going to be replaced.

But just think....

...if I hadn't decided to declutter and remove that old rug, I wouldn't have known the problem existed because the soaked floor was under a sofa and area rug! So, it's pays to be thorough and go through each room, drawer, cabinet, and closet.... After all, who knows WHAT you might find!?

So, take the time and go through the house.

You'll find all kinds of ideas in this week's article on how to determine what is and what isn't clutter -- and what to do with it. If you do this all month long, you'll go into the holiday season with a lightened load and maybe some cold cash for your old stuff!

Get going! You can do it!

Kathryn Weber, Cleaning Editor

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