cleaning Newsletter


August 3 2007 Cleaning Newsletter

Cleaning Newsletter

Cleaning Newsletter


Good, clean ideas for a good, clean home


By Kathryn Weber, BellaOnline Cleaning Editor




August 3, 2007


Clean Thoughts        Editor's notes

Featured Article       The 10 Commandments of Clean



This past two weeks has found us with rain, rain, and more, well, rain.  Funny, but I didn't recall moving to a rainforest.  We haven't gone more than one day without rain in about two months.  The backyard is literally sloshing from all the water.  Mowing has been almost impossible because the mower wheels sink into the mud.  Strange, but this time last year we were complaining about the heat and drought.  I guess it's a case of being careful what you wish for.

I don't actually mind the rain because it keeps the temperatures lower and milder, which is so nice.  The worst part has been the pestilence.  If I walk into the yard for even a few minutes, I'm covered with mosquitoes.  For that reason, a bottle of mosquito spray stands at the ready in the garage and at the back door.  If you haven't tried the new dry-feeling "Off" brand mosquito spray, you should.  It really does feel better than the regular brand. 

The new Off has a dry, lightweight feel that doesn't make you feel coated with greasy spray.  Ick.  If it's too hot to go out, think about doing a few indoor projects this summer.  You'll have a neater, more organized house and you won't be itching from mosquito bites -- or sweating bullets.

Until next time...



Kathryn Weber

Cleaning Editor for Bellaonline





The 10 Commandments of Clean

What are the 10 things you must do to help keep your house clean and enjoyable? Post these 10 cleaning tips on your refrigerator to keep your house clean and make housekeeping easier.

Read the full article:


Kathryn Weber is the cleaning editor for BellaOnline, Living Space newspaper columnist (Victoria Advocate, Beaches Leader, et al), and publisher of the Red Lotus Letter feng shui E-Zine ( and the Real Home E-zine (  Check out her decorating and home advice and articles at


RADIO, TV PRODUCERS & HOSTS: Do you have a radio show and need an entertaining guest?  Kathryn is a popular guest on radio and television shows.  Witty and entertaining, she can talk on a variety of subjects -- from feng shui to cleaning to our aversion to housekeeping. 


NEED CONTENT OR A SPEAKER?  Contact Kathryn for information about speaking opportunities, radio or television interviews, and content.  If you have a need for feng shui, lifestyle, home and garden, or cleaning information or content for your E-zine, website, or publication, Kathryn would be delighted to speak with you.



Kathryn Weber                             

P.O. Box 531, Cuero, Texas  77954                                            

Telephone:  361.676.8800

FAX:  361.277.8391


(C) 2007 Kathryn Weber.  All contents of this newsletter are copyrighted.  All rights reserved.

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