Have you ever made risotto before? It's an absolutely delicious meal! The trick is to heat the chicken broth beforehand, so that the rice is absorbing liquid that is already hot. Also, plan to stir for quite awhile, as it can take 30 minutes for the rice to absorb all of the broth.
If you have older children who can assist you, making risotto together is actually a nice opportunity to spend some time chatting with one another. (Remember the old days when we made pudding on the stove? Those are some great memories!) I hope you'll enjoy this one.
Recipe for Mushroom Risotto
If you´re looking for healthy comfort foods for the cool nights ahead, try this recipe for Mushroom Risotto. It´s delicious and full of protein.
This will be my last newsletter for BellaOnline. I've really enjoyed the opportunity to be a small part of the excitement and creativity you bring to cooking with and for your children. It may seem like a "small thing" because you do it everyday, but it means so much to your families! I wish you all the best.
Jennifer Wolf
Cooking for Kids Editor
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