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March 26 2011 Current Events Newsletter

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Conclusion: Political Deja vu

Threats of a governmental financial shutdown and further attacks on South Korea by North Korea are two common denominators shared by Presidents Clinton and Obama early on in their presidency. Now, examination of the third significant but underlying factor common to both of their administrations.

WORLD EVENTS: Still leaking radiation Fukushima, Japan nuclear plant has contaminated local spinach, milk, leaf vegetables and sea water and residents within a 15-20 mile radius of the disaster are being evacuated. Japan’s government concedes being overwhelmed on how to contain this disaster. Specific radiation source is suspected to be a crack in the reactor’s core; Insider trading trial of hedge-fund manager, Raj Rajaratnam, continues in NYC.

ALL IN THE FAMILY: What do the “International Committee of the Red Cross,” Jane Addams, Albert Schweitzer, Sean MacBride and Amnesty International have in common? They are all Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, with the International Committee of the Red Cross having been award the honor no less than three times.

POLITICAL INTERESTS: Geraldine Anne Ferraro (8/26/35 – 3/26/11) lst female Democratic Vice Presidential candidate (1984) and former member of US House of Representatives and United States Ambassador to US Commission on Human Rights.

PERSONALITIES Miss Clementine Hozier; Mrs. Winston Churchill; Dame Clementine Churchill, GBE; Clementine, Lady Churchill GBE; The Rt. Hon. Lady Baroness Spencer-Churchill, GBE; a/k/a “Clemmie” (04/01/1885 – 12/12/1977) as affectionately called by husband, all names for the wife of the former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT: The 46% of U.S. adults who support new reactors (44% are now opposed) is a sharp drop from the 62% who favored them in a March 2010 Gallup Poll, according to the survey of 814 adults taken March 15-16 for the Civil Society Institute (CSI), a non-partisan research group based in Newton, Mass., that's critical of nuclear energy.

ALLSPICE FOR LIFE: Increase your vocabulary: “Flexitarians” avoid, but occasionally eat, meat; “Pollotarians” eat chicken or other poultry, but not red meat; “Pescetarians” eat fish or other seafood, but not red meat or poultry.

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Anne Adams, Current Events Editor
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