desserts Newsletter


November 6 2006 Desserts Newsletter

Sweet Sensations
Editor: Sandra L. Garth
November 6, 2006
Issue #7

o Editor's Notes
o For the Love of Chocolate
o Chocolate Recipes
o REVIEW: Edward’s Turtle Pie
o Copyright Info

o Editor's Notes
Hi Dessert Lovers!

America’s favorite flavor is always a pleaser. How lucky are we to be able to indulge in chocolate in so many forms. Literally there is something for everyone. Realistically, I know there are some people who don’t like chocolate (perish the thought!) and that’s OK, but we true choco-holics savor every bit of the creamy concoction. It’s refreshing to know also that chocolate is good for us. Not in huge amounts and not loaded with caramel, nuts and other goodies, but in its purest form. Life is indeed like a box of chocolates. Enjoy!

Life is Short, Have Dessert

o For the Love of Chocolate

Often when we consider eating a chocolate, there is a fair amount of guilt that comes along with it. It’s time to toss those guilty feelings. Moderate consumption of chocolate may have the same benefits as eating fruits and vegetables (yes, I am serious).

A Chocolate a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Flavanols found in rich dark chocolate has been shown to reduce high blood pressure. Flavanols are powerful antioxidants that are present in fruits, vegetables and get this, red wine. The word antioxidant gets thrown around quite a bit. We know in general that it’s something that is good for us, but can’t really put a finger on exactly what it is. Here’s the short and sweet version. Antioxidants release free radicals that clean up the debris in our circulatory system. Still scratching your head? Ok, if you take a piece of metal and pour water on it and let the water sit, the metal will start to rust. Now take a bottle of an anti-rust solution and soak the metal in it and the rust is cleaned up. That’s similar to how antioxidants containing free radicals work in our arteries, they clean up the debris. Now that you know the nutritional benefits of eating chocolate, how about some guidelines how much to eat.

Take it Easy

This is not a license to gorge on chocolate. It means you can let go of any guilt associated with eating it. A small amount is ok. While we’re on the subject of small, it’s time to clarify what that means as well. A 1.4 oz bar of dark chocolate is an average serving. It only contains 200 calories and 11 grams of fat. If you think your daily caloric intake won‘t allow for it consider on of these substitutions.
Omit a pat of butter from your toast, or a spoonful of mayonnaise from your sandwich.
Consider reduced fat or fat free salad dressing.
Take your coffee black, instead of with cream.

Fact vs. Fiction

Chocolate is not addicting. People say they “crave” chocolate, most time meaning they’d just like to have some. An addiction is a serious medical and emotional condition, which in all likelihood requires some sort of intervention.
It does not cause diabetes.
Tooth decay is not caused by eating chocolate. Any fermenting carbohydrate left in the mouth too long will contribute to dental problems.
Chocolate is not high in caffeine. One ounce of chocolate is the equivalent of one cup of caffeinated coffee.
Eating chocolate does not cause migraine headaches.
The cocoa butter content of chocolate does not raise blood cholesterol levels.

Good to You, Good for You

We’ve all been told many times about some things being too good to be true. Well, this is a good thing and it is true. Eat chocolate, even have a glass of red wine and you’ll be doing your heart a favor. How cool is that!

Types of Chocolate

Before we get into the types of chocolate, you should know that all chocolate is not created equal. Chocolate formulas are unique to each manufacturer. They establish their own bean blend, and flavorings. Most important is the determination of the amount of chocolate liquor and cocoa butter. Are you scratching your head wondering if you clicked on to the right category? You’re in the right place but there’s a bit of background information that’s necessary.

In the Beginning

In the beginning there was a cacao tree (pronounced ka-kow). The seeds from this tree are cocoa beans. Once harvested, the center of the cocoa bean called the nib is ground into a smooth liquid paste called chocolate liquor. There is no actual liquor in it (darn it). The liquor gives off a natural fat when it is pressed, this is cocoa butter. Again the word is a tad misleading; it’s not a dairy product. Once the cocoa powder is forced out of the chocolate liquor the result is cocoa powder. Clear as mud right?

What it All Means

When manufacturers refer to the cacao content, they’re speaking of the combination of chocolate liquor, cocoa butter and cocoa powder. By the way, cocoa and cacao are often used interchangeably.

At Long Last, Chocolate

Milk - Very creamy, contains at least 10% unsweetened chocolate. Take extra precautions when melting because it has a lower solid cocoa content and dried milk powder.
Sweet - Also known as dark chocolate, has at least 15% unsweetened chocolate. Only contains the liquor and cocoa butter, sometimes with emulsifiers and other flavorings.
Bittersweet - Has a high cocoa solid content, up to 50% unsweetened chocolate. Often has milk, sugar and emulsifiers.
Unsweetened - This is bitter chocolate, not bittersweet. It has no sugar but does have a full chocolate flavor.
White Chocolate - Officially not a chocolate at all because it doesn’t have any chocolate liquor. It’s made of cocoa butter, milk, and sugar.
Carob - Also not a chocolate, but similar tasting. It’s used by individuals allergic to chocolate or as a healthier alternative. It has less fat and no caffeine. If carob powder is not available cocoa powder can be substituted.
Couverture - Chocolate with at least 32% cocoa butter. Very fluid in its liquid state.


The percentages on the various types of chocolate are an easy identifying method. They let you know just how much actual chocolate you’re getting. There is a set of federal regulations called the Standards of Identity that oversees the legal definitions of chocolate. Could be a fun job, you never know.

o Chocolate Recipes

Chocolate Truffles

Despite their high end sounding name, truffles are not hard to make at home. They are quick to make and if you feel like you messed up you can always eat your mistakes. Once you make your batch of truffles and if you’re not giving them away, you should eat them within 3 days. Truffles are such an enormous treat that shouldn’t be a problem. Feel free to experiment with different types of chocolates flavorings and coatings when you’re comfortable with the basics.


1 (12 oz) package semisweet chocolate morsels
4 egg yolks
¼ cup, plus 2 TBS butter, cut up
¼ cup, plus 2 TBS powdered sugar
1 cup of your choice of coatings, sprinkles, chopped nuts, cocoa, coconut, chocolate wafer crumbs


The easiest method of melting the chocolate morsels is in a double boiler. If you don’t have a double boiler a bowl fitted over the top of a saucepan will work. Just make sure water doesn’t get into the chocolate or it will harden.

After placing the chocolate in the top of double boiler bring the water in pan below to a boil. Reduce the heat to low, and continue cooking until chocolate melts. Once the chocolate is melted remove the pan from the heat. It’s not enough to just turn the heat off, there’s a small amount of residual heat on the stove and you don’t want that to interfere with the melted chocolate.

Beat egg yolks until thick and lemon colored. It’s important to get the egg yolks and chocolate mixed together without scrambling the eggs. You do this by gradually adding about ¼ of the hot chocolate to the eggs, then add it all to the rest of the hot chocolate.

Now add the butter and the powdered sugar beating at medium speed of an electric mixer, until the butter is melted and the mixture is smooth. Cover the truffle mixture with a towel and let stand in a cool dry place for an hour.

Once they have set shape into balls or scoop with a small melon scooper, then roll in your choice of coatings.

The Ultimate Turtle Cake

Nirvana, bliss, decadence, sheer delight. Pick one, any one, they all apply. I can feel a toothache coming on already. This is a perfect ending to a sumptuous meal, or a treat, just because.

1 ½ cups semi-sweet chocolate morsels
½ cup butter, softened
1 (16 oz) pkg light brown sugar
3 large eggs
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
½ tsp salt
1 (8 oz) container sour cream
1 cup hot water
2 tsp vanilla
Caramel Filling
1 cup chopped pecans or macadamia nuts
Chocolate Ganache

Melt chocolate in a microwave on HIGH for 30-second intervals ( about 1 ½ mins) or melt in double boiler over hot not boiling water. Stir until smooth.

Cream butter and sugar at high speed of an electric mixer about 5 minutes. Mixture should be light and fluffy. The key here is not to have the sugar still grainy. Add the eggs one at a time until they are thoroughly blended. Add the melted chocolate, again just until blended.

Sift or mix with a wire whisk the flour, baking soda and salt. Gradually add to chocolate mixture alternately with the sour cream, beginning and ending with the flour mixture. Just a note here, don’t substitute fat-free or low-fat sour cream here, use the real thing. Beat at low speed. Take care not to over mix. Mix just until ingredients are well blended. Slowly add the hot water beating at low speed. Stir in vanilla.

Spoon batter evenly into 3 greased and floured 9’ round cake pans. Bake at 350° for 25-30 minutes or till tested done. Cool in pans on a wire rack for 10 minutes, then remove from pans and let cool completely.

Place on layer on a serving plate and spread with 1 cup of caramel filling, and sprinkle with 1/3 cups chopped nuts. Repeat with other layers and spread ganache over top and sides of cake. Don’t even think about the calorie count on this one. Some things are just worth it.

Caramel Filling

1 cup butter
2 cups sugar
2 TBS corn syrup
1 cup heavy cream

Melt butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Add the sugar and corn syrup, cook stirring constantly. This is so important, it only takes a fraction of a minute for this mixture to burn. Cook for about 6-8 minutes until it turns a rich caramel color. In a slow steady stream add the cream and cook, again stir it constantly so it doesn’t scorch, about 1-2 minutes. If it scorches you’ll have to throw it all out and start again. Remove the pan from the heat and let it cool. The caramel should chill for about 2 hours or until it’s thickened and of spreading consistency. You can make this ahead of time and keep it in the fridge until you’re ready to use it.

Chocolate Ganache

1 (12 oz) pkg semi-sweet chocolate morsels
½ cup whipping cream
3 TBS butter

Melt chocolate in a microwave at 50% power for about 2-3 minutes or until chocolate begins to melt. You can also melt it in a double boiler over hot not boiling water.

Stir the chocolate until it is fully melted. There is residual heat so resist the temptation to put it back in the microwave or let it sit too long over the hot water. Add the butter and let stand for approx 20 minutes. Beat at medium speed of an electric mixer for 3-4 minutes. Look for soft mounds when you lift the mixture as an indicator of readiness.

o REVIEW: Edward’s Turtle Pie

Are in a hurry to get your chocolate fix? Need more than a piece of candy?
Try Edwards Turtle Pie Slices. They come in a pack of 2 and you won’t believe how inexpensive they are. The pie has all the gooey ingredients you’d expect in a turtle. Caramel, chocolate and pecans, with a cookie crust. Couldn’t put my finger on what the filling was exactly. It was creamy, with a softer consistency than a cheesecake but not as firm as a cheesecake pie. Nevertheless it was good. You’ll find them in the frozen foods section. If you’re in a big hurry you could eat it slightly frozen, otherwise let it sit at room temp for about an hour. Good price, good taste, good selections.

o Copyright Information

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