dreams Newsletter


October 2 2012 Dreams Newsletter

There is a difference between no recalling dreams and not dreaming at all. It once was believed that everyone dreams but new research finds that there are some rare conditions that affect the brain for a dreamless sleep.

Here's the latest article from the Dreams site at BellaOnline.com.

Why Some People Don't Dream
New research refutes the old claim that everybody dreams. Here are reasons why some people don’t.


Would you like a free dream interpretation? Come and post your dream anonymously in our dreams forum:


Also, I will be posting more articles about specific dream symbols since this is what seems to be of most interest to readers. If you have a certain dream image you're curious about, feel free to email me via the contact button on the Bellaonline Dreams site. Thank you for reading.

Sweet dreams,

Lori Phillips, Dreams Editor

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