dreams Newsletter


February 20 2014 Dreams Newsletter


I hope this newsletter finds you well. I am in the process of compiling my own dream symbol dictionary but it is taking some time as, unlike in other symbol dictionaries, each symbol will have in-depth definitions that include background explanations and dream scenarios rather than a simple "meaning" in a few sentences.

Because of each entry's length, I am going to have to categorize the symbols into separate volumes. The first will feature the most common mammals that appear in dreams. This week's dream article is an example of one entry.

Wolf Wolves Dream Symbol
The wolf is a symbol of wild nature, our primal need to connect with both nature (spirituality) and at times, others in a pack.


Let me know what you think. I'm very excited about this series of dream symbol dictionary! The volumes will include Ocean Dwelling Animals, Weather, Fantasy Creatures, Emotions, People...and so much more! There are no other dream symbol dictionaries like these, and it is so fun to work on them for you.

And thank you for writing and sharing your dreams with me. It has been an honor to provide interpretations for you. As always...

Live well. Sleep well. Dream happy.

Lori Phillips, Dreams Editor

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