dreams Newsletter


April 7 2015 Dreams Newsletter

Hello, beautiful dreamer!

What did you dream about last night? Ever dream about being abandoned? In dream symbol language, being abandoned has a different meaning than simply being alone or being rejected.

Here's the latest article from the Dreams site at BellaOnline.com.

Being Abandoned Dream Symbol

I'm also the dreams editor for The-Dream-Collective.com so do check out the articles there, too, as they are different from the articles on Bellaonline.com Dreams site. (The Internet search engines frown upon duplicate content.)

Here's a popular article about the Car Crash Dream Symbol:


Remember to pop into our dreams forum to read other people's dreams and chime in on fascinating dreams topics! http://forums.bellaonline.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=postlist&Board=2

And follow on Twitter to hear the latest dream tweets! @tweetdreams4u

I'm happy to provide complimentary dream interps so keep sending them to me via the Dreams site contact button or info@the-dream-collective.com. Until then...

Live well. Sleep well. Dream happy.

Sweet dreams,

Lori Chidori Phillips, Dreams Editor

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