dreams Newsletter


June 6 2019 Dreams Newsletter

Hello, sweet dreamers. How is your week going? Mine is going quite well ever since I joined the gym with my family. Moving is essential to life. As a dreamer, reader and writer, I am sedentary most of the day and night but moving really clears the mind and shakes off the sluggishness. I think I found the holy grail of fitness: Loving it.

This week, I posted a dream about pearls. I'm not into jewelry or gems, really, but if I had to choose my favorite, it would be the pearl.

A pearl is very special type of gemstone. Created by the "tears" of oysters, when you dream about pearls, it can have several different connotations from spiritual to emotional. When you interpret your dream, be sure to look at all of the dream images in the dream in order to get a more accurate interpretation. Every detail matters, and the context changes everything.

This one is an interesting dream, and understanding it can help this man in his search for spiritual direction.

Pearl in Oyster Dream Interpretation
A man shucks oysters by the sea and finds many beautiful pearls but he casts them aside in search for more. What does this dream mean and what can it tell him?


A parting pearl of wisdom for you:

"True beauty is measured by the number of pearls within you and not around your neck." ~ Suzy Kessem

Until next time...

Live well. Sleep well. Dream happy.

Sweet dreams,

Lori Chidori Phillips, Dreams Editor
Email: dreams@bellaonline.com
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