exoticpets Newsletter

Exotic Pets

January 2 2010 Exotic Pets Newsletter

I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year holiday. We had a nice, peaceful relaxing evening and uneventful day. It was -25 here last night and that isn’t including wind chill.

Crawdads or Crayfish as a Pet

Quite by accident, I ended up with a crawdad which joined our family as a pet. He learned or should I say he taught us to hand feed him worms. He was quite interactive and clearly showed signs of intelligence. I grew very attached to the little guy.


Exotic Pet Post Cards

Send Exotic Splendor to Your Friends and Loved Ones Free! A simple thank you, I am thinking about you, or just want to show or to appreciate an act of kindness; what better way than to send a beautiful-original postcard. I think this sounds like a wonderful way to start the year out right.


Hermit Crabs

How to care for your pet Hermit Crab. Using some careful thought and creativity, you can turn their new home into a miniature replica of their natural habitat and create a great learning tool for children.


We have a question and answer game going in the forum. I have given out at least a box of gold stars already. Can you answer this question?

What animal needs fresh water and ocean salt water to survive?

Click here to answer the question. When someone gets it right I post a new question http://forums.bellaonline.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/571692/2

Forward the newsletter to your friends and family perhaps they would like to subscribe as well.

Diana Geiger, Exotic Pets Editor

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