exoticpets Newsletter

Exotic Pets

November 11 2010 Exotic Pets Newsletter

Just what is a designer cat, anything like a designer handbag, shoes, or clothing? One would wonder with the rate these hybrid cats are growing in popularity. Sweet, loyal, and spunky they truly make a remarkable family pet. Since when do cats, chase and retrieve balls, willingly walk on leashes? Today’s article is the beginning of a series on the hybrid cat, or commonly referred to as the designer cat.

Hybrid Cats Designer Cats
Hybrid or designer cats are climbing the popularity charts. A cat that is often described as much dog like as cat like is also depicted as loyal. Exactly what are hybrid cats or designer cats? This article is the precursor to the hybrid cat series, the Bengal, Chausie, Safari, and Savannah cat.
Enjoy the discussion on designer or hybrid cats

Do remember I will be having spine surgery soon. I hopefully will have a schedule on Monday. Tomorrow is the last tests. Sounds like loads of fun. I HATE mornings, I hate being out in the country when the deer have no common sense during mating season, and I don’t want an antler hood ornament. Nothing is close when you live in South Dakota. So bright and early in the morning I will be traveling to Mitchell and they intend on sticking a long needle, trying to get pass the hip bone that is conveniently in the way. Using contrast dye and x-rays this long needle is suppose to find its way to the L5-S1 nerve root. Fun. This is supposed to make me more comfortable while I am in the hospital, yah right. I will keep you posted.

When my husband took MY weekly trip to the library to find research materials for me he came home with a fiction book, and really thought I’d read it. After he told me what it was about, I had to flip through it. Will I got hooked. The book is Dewey by Vicki Myron. It is about a tiny skinny little kitten found in a library metal drop box on a minus 15 degree morning. This story is nothing short of amazing. It is touching especially knowing the incredible impact this cat had on the elderly, handicapped, on troubled children, and basically the whole town. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0446407429?ie=UTF8&tag=exoticpets-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0446407429

With Christmas right around the corner please consider using the links at my exotic pet supply shop to do some of your holiday shopping. Remember that Amazon has a 24 hour cookie that just means; go back to my link after 24 hours to continue. I doubt if there is anything you can’t find at Amazon. In fact it is downright handy no crowds, finding parking places. http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art64079.asp

Funny cat pictures – had to share this with my friends. It will lighten your day! http://www.google.com/images?q=cat+jokes&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei=IAnbTODYAoecsQO2wbm9Bw&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=4&ved=0CDwQsAQwAw&biw=998&bih=545

If you find today’s article interesting do me a favor and send it to your friends and family. Just click on the article link, you can send to a friend, find a printer friendly copy; make it easy for others to subscribe to the newsletter. http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art69373.asp

Have a wonderful week!
Diana Geiger, Exotic Pets Editor

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