exoticpets Newsletter

Exotic Pets

March 26 2010 Exotic Pets Newsletter

I hope all is well with everyone. Spring is finally here. I am so thrilled the snow is gone, what does my niece do but go to the Sierras skiing lol

Fatal Attraction - Rebuttal
The statistics are so rare to the point of infinitesimal that a pet large cat will attack its owner. I am not referring to zoo animals or circus animals, I am addressing nothing, but PET large cats, i.e. tigers, lions, cougars, etcetera. After waiting an extra week while Animal Planet put the big cat portion on hold I found it as one sided as the reptile version. Perhaps, it was on hold to find some real doctor to cut into the new big cat show, after all Martell had been trying to make medical diagnoses in the first show. It had to take a while to find an AR doctor to cut in, if that was the case. Here you will find the true statistics of exotic pet attacks causing serious injury or death.

It is funny how things can be said, and then as the show comes together the true content of a statement can totally change from what was really said. These are scary folks. Will I write a big cat animal planet fatal attraction rebuttal? Time will tell.

Exotic Pets - Socially Unacceptable
I am socially unacceptable. It is because I am an exotic pet owner. I have a skunk, ferret, and a raccoon, sharing my home, as well as a wide variety of other exotic pets. I am responsible for these pets. Some people should never have pets; some people should never give birth to a child.

Tigers as Pets
How many wild tigers are there left in the world – not many. The approximate combined total of all species of tigers IN the WORLD is around 4000. There are more in captivity than in the wild.

Just in case you missed my Guest Author - Zuzana Kukol in the last newsletter please enjoy her article - Tiger Hugger

Please, I would love to have your point of view on the subject, where do you stand on exotic animals as pets. Do you feel they a danger to their owners or not? Give your complete and honest opinion.


I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

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Here is my exotic pets shop http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art64079.asp

Diana Geiger, Exotic Pets Editor

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