exoticpets Newsletter

Exotic Pets

June 5 2011 Exotic Pets Newsletter

Wolf - Loki's Story - Wolf Care
Wolf – Loki’s Story the highly popular series, written by guest author John Mattson, continues with the general care of the pet wolf. He covers the importance of social structure when training a wolf. The necessities of understanding the concept of wolf pack, and how to care for the wolf as a pet.


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You want to make a difference but don't have the funds to help. NOW you can make a difference without spending a penny. These animals that would have died ask you to just vote once a day, and pass the information to your family and friends. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Please!

The best exotic pet sanctuary in the country, I will personally vouch for that 100%. As you can all imagine the sanctuaries are suffering through the financial fiasco! Please vote daily. Here are the details.

Critter Camp is at #28, and needs to be in the top 10 to win! Critter Camp Exotic Pet Sanctuary is IN THE PEPSI CONTEST!!

Please VOTE! http://www.refresheverything.com/crittercamp
Ok, here are the details: Critter Camp stands to win $50,000. from Pepsi's Refresh Everything project.

Voting is ONLY in the Month of June & Vote every day online logging in with your email or your Facebook profile at the link above AND by Texting: Text* 106891 to Pepsi (73774) to vote from your cell **LOOK for POWER Votes on Pepsi bottle caps to use too!!!!

***PLEASE Tell EVERYONE!! Thank you!!

Critter Camp Exotic Pet Sanctuary has saved the lives of thousands of unadoptable pets other than cats & dogs- elderly,aggressive rabbits, ferrets with adrenal disease and insulinoma, hedgehogs with tumors, birds that bite, mice, rats, hamsters, fennec foxes- you name it – we've saved it! Most were going to be euthanized, some were found in trash cans & dumpsters! Now we need your help! It's free fast & easy! Please get out the vote!! Pass this to everyone you know, YOU can make a difference.
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Show your support for the hard work put in to Exotic Pets Bellaonline a completely charitable organization. Except for maintenance expenses all money advertisements generate go to charity. We write because we love our subjects. But, since that doesn't put food on the table we run a few ads and sell eBooks. By the way, my first eBook will be out soon! Look for my Amazon link on any exotic pet article, from there you can go anywhere on Amazon and purchase what you need.

Please visit exoticpets.bellaonline.com for even more great content about Exotic Pets.

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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Diana Geiger, Exotic Pets Editor

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