exoticpets Newsletter

Exotic Pets

July 24 2011 Exotic Pets Newsletter

1. In this newsletter Burge Rescue - please read Tornado ravaged pets!
2. Learn to save your pet's life!!! - CPR - First Aid
3. Critter Camp Exotic Pet Sanctuary - is having a blast, even a hot, very hot corvette raffle! Check out their website for even more cool stuff!

This is the last week (to the last day of the month) help Burge rescue to win the Pepsi Challenge! See statement below article - important! http://www.refresheverything.com/helpburgebirdrescue or and vote by text You may also text a vote in. Send the text to PEPSI (73774) This is the text message-107464. If you have power votes from the yellow Pepsi caps use them, if you can't figure out how by reading the website, don't worry just email them to me.

Here's the latest article from the Exotic Pets site at BellaOnline.com.

Saving Pet’s Lives - CPR – First Aid
If you find an animal in a hot car what do you do? Why do cars get so hot? How do you save pets or exotic pets from heat stroke? How do you perform CPR on animals? How do you find a pulse on an animal? Learn pet first aid and CPR skills for animals. Learn how to induce vomiting. Pets can choke too!


I don't know how many times I have felt guilty because someone will approach me for donations for worthy causes. Especially the the natural disasters the world has been having lately. It seems like the time is now to help, there seems to be more behind all these disasters than pure coincidence. With all my medical bills I have a rotating bill paying system. Ah..it works to some degree. The point being, I always feel guilty when I have to say no. A person loses their home, they are far worst off than I am so that makes me feel bad.

Something I have been able to give freely is my time. I have always been there for people be it Habitat for Humanity, Heifer Project, Historical Society, Red Cross ( I can't donate blood because of several past cancers but I can run drives and classes) private fundraisers, one was for a little girl that needed a liver transplant. I didn't raise a fortune, but I raised awareness, enough to have her on the nightly news for days, and enough to get her transplant ok'ed! The point being, even if you can't give funds there is always giving of yourself.

When I heard about the tornadoes so close to home, it really struck home. Our little town is in the Mid West very much like the other little towns that will never be the same. I wanted to be there to help the people, I wanted to be there to help the people I am no longer physically able to do so, nor am I financially able to do so.

But I can give in another fashion, I can help a rescue that brings in birds and parrots that have lost their owners or their owners have lost their houses, what ever the case may be. I can help bring awareness to the Pepsi Challenge. This veterinarian is working so hard to help these misplaced animals. She has a practice, she runs the rescue. I've had full sized rescues in the past and it is a lot of work. Just cleaning bedding, cages, supplies takes a ton of time and that is such a small part of the work involved with a rescue.

I am asking for a moment of your time, just a moment. Vote everyday!

You may also text a vote in. Send the text to PEPSI (73774) This is the text message-107464. Help this veterinarian win the Pepsi Challenge. Vote daily, get your friends to vote, find Pepsi products and use the power codes. Put the information on social pages such as Facebook. The contest last to the end of the month. We have dropped back to 10th place. Last month they were winning until the end, last couple of days lost...LOST after all that effort. They have this one last chance.

You want to help, now you have a chance to help animals, and all it takes is going to a website and or texting (you can do both everyday! Please help me with this push, I need your help badly. I need to see this through to her winning because I know in my heart of hearts she deserves to win. I can't imagine being an animal and no longer having my owners, or home. A big scarey storm and everything is lost. Thank goodness Burge rescue was there for them.

Learn about Burge Rescue

Critter Camp Exotic Pet Sanctuary is having a Corvette Raffle!!! http://www.crittercamp.org/ (Click on the HOT corvette!!) By the way, Keep an eye out for Critter camp in the next Pepsi Challenge! "Critter Camp is the
ONLY licensed, registered, 501c3 non-profit, 100% no-kill,
ALL volunteer, exotic pet sanctuary of its kind in the U.S."

I see a poker run on their website too, they have a ton of really neat stuff going on, check out their website. http://www.crittercamp.org/

Please visit exoticpets.bellaonline.com for even more great content about Exotic Pets.

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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Diana Geiger, Exotic Pets Editor

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