exoticpets Newsletter

Exotic Pets

July 3 2011 Exotic Pets Newsletter

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A new techi device is as perfect as a device comes – if you want to see through your pet’s eyes.

This can be used on most pets, exotic pets or traditional pets. Do you want to know if your neighbor is telling the truth or giving you a line of BS. What did your pet get into, perhaps antifreeze? Save your pet’s life, you will know what to tell the veterinarian! Or, just have a great deal of fun!


Keep your animals indoors and reassured during the 4th of July holiday! Awful, tragic things can happen. Please be safe!

A very special note from our ADD Editor Connie Mistler Davidson

Have you ever known that you need to do something, but just can't get organized to do it? Last month our avian vet's bird rescue, Burge Bird Rescue, competed in a contest to win money to expand her bird rescue service. I am sad to say that I couldn't get it together to vote. She lost by a few votes. This made me see that I needed to be more organized this month, so that I could help. I am asking you to help, too! Here is some background and the information on how to help.

Our avian vet, Dr. Julie Burge, has a bird rescue that is terribly underfunded. It mainly runs on love, a donation jar at the counter, and money from bird related items that she sells on E-Bay. We save our feathers for her. She packages them and sells them to hobbyists on E-Bay. Right now, she is involved in a Pepsi challenge to win $25,000 to expand the Burge Bird Rescue.

This woman is a wonderful doctor. In addition to traditional office calls, she provides emergency services, and in-home services. During disasters, she is called on to leave her practice in the capable hands of her bird nurse, and go to help. She helped in the Katrina disaster and most recently after the tornado in Joplin, Mo. Her passion is her bird rescue.

We adopted one of our beloved birds through her bird rescue. Bella Pickles was a little biter lovebird that nobody wanted. Dr. Julie gave her a chance. She rescues birds that people give up, through death, adverse economic situations, or that they no longer want. Dr. Julie finds them “forever homes.” Birds are given medical care and kept until they have homes.

I would love to help her Burge Bird Rescue win this money. I'm voting every day, but I think that I can do more! I can ask you to help.

If you want to help improve facilities for this deserving bird rescue, please use this link to vote in this Pepsi challenge. You may vote once a day. There is no money involved to vote. Pepsi rules state that only votes from inside the United States will be counted.

Vote here! You can vote once a day on Pepsi and one text a day.

You may also text a vote in. Send the text to PEPSI (73774) This is the text message-107464.

Thanks for your time; I'll let you know how it comes out!


If you want to learn more about the Burge Bird Rescue, use this link: http://burgebirdrescue.homestead.com/

Show your support for the hard work put in to Exotic Pets Bellaonline; BellaOnline a completely charitable organization. Except for maintenance expenses all money advertisements generate go to charity. We write because we love our subjects. But, since that doesn't put food on the table we run a few ads and sell eBooks. By the way, my first eBook will be out soon! Look for my Amazon link on any exotic pet article, from there you can go anywhere on Amazon and purchase what you need.

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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Diana Geiger, Exotic Pets Editor

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