horrorliterature Newsletter

Horror Literature

July 24 2007 Horror Literature Newsletter

Here's the latest article from the Horror Literature site at BellaOnline.com.

It's been a fortnight since my first newsletter, and thanks to everybody who has been patient while I come up to speed as the new editor. It's an exciting time and there's a lot to learn and many mistakes to make, so I hope we all have a giggle with all the strange and weird things I do. I hope you do the same and that we all learn along the way.

I wrote an article this week on a horror writer called Graham Masterton. As my favourite author, I owe it to the community to promote him as much as I possibly can. I roll my eyes (and they roll them back at me) when I hear 'I've never heard of him'. I hope the article will give you a glimpse into the world of Mastertonia!

Graham Masterton
Stephen King, James Herbert, Mary Shelley - we know who they are. We know their names and their works. I consistently tell people to pick up a Graham Masterton novel. Not only is he prolific, but he's just as good as these other household names. I dare you to read one.


One of the positive things about articles is that they attract criticism which is great! I don't conform to the normal behaviour of a writer or reader. I'm always looking for different angles on things. I'm not a normal guy and I hope we get to know each other well enough for you to agree. I like being different and enjoy being the odd one. It helps me as a writer. I'm not a follower by nature. I have an article in the pipeline which will turn my colleagues silent against me for a couple of weeks!!

OK, so I now know how to use the forum, even worked out how to get my picture on there, so please don't scream. I'll never knock an opinion down, so don't feel afraid to post. Post away! Let me know your thoughts. As you get to know me and my articles, you'll think I'm a little fried regardless, so welcome to the chip pan. Seriously, though: you subscribed for a reason, and I want to deliver to you. Let me know what it is you want and we'll work together to make your experience with BellaOnline as enjoyable and as community friendly as possible.

I started a forum thread about psychopaths - I'm interested in knowing who you reckon makes a good psycho. My favourite is Jason Voorhees - what's yours? Be sure to throw me your answer at http://forums.bellaonline.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=330434&page=1#Post330434

Thought of the week: everybody is entitled to your opinion.

Please visit horrorliterature.bellaonline.com for even more great content about Horror Literature.

To participate in free, fun online discussions, this site has a community forum all about Horror Literature located here -


I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Chris Willis, Horror Literature Editor

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