Here's the latest article from the Midlife site at
Married men - 'Serial' Cheaters, Narcissists
Men who cheat; women who put up with infidelity; many married men are ´serial´ cheaters; can marriages with adultery be saved; adulterers are usually deceptive and manipulative; why do men cheat?; betrayal; lack of commitment; fear of intimacy; unhealthy relationships
No one should have to tolerate abuse - and emotional cruelty is a form of abuse. This article may be a wake-up call for some women out there who are putting up with intolerable situations because their 'significant other' is a serial cheater. I wrote this article from personal experience. Staying in an abusive relationship keeps a person off-balance and feeling insecure a lot of the time, never knowing when the other shoe will drop. Each of us deserves a healthy, loving relationship.
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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!
Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because Knowledge IS Power!
Kathie LoMonaco, Midlife Editor
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