moms Newsletter


December 18 2013 Moms Newsletter

If you have a picky eater, raise your hand. I have some friends whose children will still eat everything they serve them. Mine? They gave up fruits and vegetables long ago. It's frustrating - and whatever ideas you have - I've tried. But, I thought this phone app was cute - and might work for some of our picky eaters who just need a bit of outside encouragement.

Helping Picky Eaters With A Phone App
I came across this iPhone app for picky eaters while reading a Scholastic magazine. Perhaps like many moms, articles on how to get picky eaters excited about fruits and vegetables just frustrate me. But, a phone app? Hmmm.

What do you think? I know you have ideas on how a mother should serve veggies to her children. Come share:

Thanks for reading. I love hearing your thoughts and feedback - even if you don't want to post them in the forum. :)

Happy mothering!

Lisa Polovin Pinkus, Moms Editor

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