mysterybooks Newsletter

Mystery Books

June 16 2013 Mystery Books Newsletter

Hi everyone,

Hope you are having a good summer so far. We are enjoying ours except for the ample rain we are getting in our area. When it's not raining, we are out walking, riding bikes, and generally enjoying the beautiful weather. Hope you are too!

We are also enjoying the great mystery books that are coming out this year. Here's the latest review from the Mystery Books site at

Dark Waters Review
The last words Anna Silver heard from her father was that she was in danger and Brent Carver was the only person she should trust. On the run from her father's killer, Anna must trust his former cellmate, a man she had never met.

Please visit for even more great content about Mystery Books.



"I don't think you can avoid your own path. You just have to plunge ahead." ~Lisa Edelstein, Actress


We are enjoying a series of interesting conversations in the forum that are related to mysteries. If you would like to participate in our free, fun online discussions all about Mystery Books, you can reach us here -

We would love to have you join us!


I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. We would love to know what mystery book you are currently reading.

Edie Dykeman, Mystery Books Editor

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