poetry Newsletter


March 6 2008 Poetry Newsletter

Greetings and Salutations;

The Vernal Equinox, also known as The Rite of Spring, is nearly upon us. Trees are finally beginning to bud and jonquils are peeking their heads up through the awakening earth. Winter is (almost) behind us!

I'm excited to announce that the second issue of Mused, the BellaOnline Literary Magazine, will be unveiled on the equinox with wonderful, luscious new spring-themed poems and art as well as short stories and a new category: Plays. If you've not had a chance to see Mused yet, stop by and take a peek or two.


Mused is also now accepting submissions for the next issue - please visit the Mused site for further details.

The latest article from the Poetry site at BellaOnline.com:

Figurative Language - Simile and Metaphor

Figurative language by definition encompasses any aspect of language that is not literal, and considered to be the hallmark of poetics. Here’s a handy guide to determining simile from metaphor, and everything in between.


Please visit poetry.bellaonline.com for even more great content about Poetry.

Additionally, to participate in free, spirited online discussions, we have a community forum about all things poetic located here -


Questions, comments, criticisms, suggestions or just a thought or two about poetry in general? Send it my way! I love hearing from you, either in the forum or in response to this email message. Feedback is always welcome.

And if the spirit moves you, please feel free to share this message with family and friends with my blessing.

In celebration of the wondrous and wild creature in you,

Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman, Poetry Editor

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