poetry Newsletter


May 17 2008 Poetry Newsletter

Greetings Bards and Bardesses!

In the most recent article on the BellaOnline Poetry site, we explore the potential genius and tenacity of one of the finest characters in poetry:

William McGonagall - The World's Worst Poet!

Recent sales for a collection of William McGonagall's first editions broke all records, outselling even first editions of JK Rowling, Ian Fleming and Roald Dahl. Not bad for a poet considered so excruciatingly inept that he was regularly bombarded with rotten food at his readings.

But was he really as clueless as that? Come see!


To further discuss and review all things poetic including creative exercises, examples and critiquing, consider also visiting the community poetry forum located here -


Let me know what's on your mind, either in the form of a poem, by way of my editor bio or in response to this email message. I do indeed thrive on pans, prose, accolades and feedback! And I personally answer every email.

As always, have fun passing this message along to family, foes and friends, because we all love free knowledge! Well, maybe not the foes.

May your words be blessed by the intoxicating Muse!

Until next round,

Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman, Poetry Editor

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