poetry Newsletter


August 4 2009 Poetry Newsletter

Whew, after a time without internet accessibility, I am reflecting on how dependent I am on it! It's great to be back :)

This week's article features a very touching, emotional poem about a daughter's experience with her father's Alzheimer's.

Dedicating poetry to others
Poetry is a very personal form of putting emotions on paper and is very healing in nature. Because of this, many poems are written in dedication to individuals. Lets look at these types of poems and an example: "Dad's Alzheimer's- Dedicated to Claus"


This site has a community forum all about Poetry located at -


Wanted each of you to know that the time is approaching for our Quarterly MUSED literature review- All of you aspiring poets can submit your poem for review and possible publication in our next edition. For more information, please visit: http://www.bellaonline.com/review/

I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday. -Unknown Author

I look forward to hearing from you!

Angela Saunders, Poetry Editor

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