republicanparty Newsletter

Republican Party

August 1 2008 Republican Party Newsletter

Dear Readers,

I will be away from the computer from August 2 to August 12.

Here's the latest article from the Republican Party site at

The Libertarian Ticket

Recently, Bob Barr accepted the nomination from the Libertarian Party to seek the presidency in November. It is thought that he will siphon votes from Republican John McCain, the way Ralph Nader does from Democrats.


The following article will appear next Friday:

August 8, 2008 "The West Wing of the White House"


The forum will is still open and welcoming discussions.

Do you have a question, comment, or would you just like to express a thought? You are welcome to post on the Republican Party Forum. Sharing thoughts and opinions can be entertaining as well as educational. Hope to see you at the Forum.

The next newsletter will appear August 15, 2008. Thank you for subscribing to the Republican Party Newsletter, and thank you for visiting the Republican Party site at

Linda Sue Grimes
Republican Party Editor


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