solotravel Newsletter

Solo Travel

January 7 2008 Solo Travel Newsletter

Here's the latest article from the Solo Travel site at

Packing tips and teasers.

Future topics will include amongst others:

Your Travel Itinerary.
Meeting Local People.
Which airlines are the most sympathetic to single lone females.

Your views on any of these subjects and others would be greatfully excepted.

Also here is the teaser of a new article, keep checking the site for more.

Hey there how are you doing?

January is always a tough month, when you’re all spent up, tired from all those parties and there’s really not much happening now to… well Easter!

I am sure we have all sat next to some strange people in our time as solo travellers, I know I have. Amongst others I’ve met small children that like to fart, old people who like to snore and then the weird one who definitely liked to talk! Its always pot luck on who you sit next to and as I am rather tall I have been known on one of my braver days to ask for a seat with extra legroom, I then ended up next to the escape route. I spent the whole trip dreading that if we did crash I wouldn’t be strong enough to open the door and then everyone would die! (I was young!)

Well now there is a sure fire way of making sure that you get along with your fellow travellers.....

Please visit for even more great content about Solo Travel.

To participate in free, fun online discussions, this site has a community forum all about Solo Travel located here -

I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!

Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!

Christine Robins, Solo Travel Editor

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