An Eye on Vision Issues
Volume 3, Issues 3 – Week of March 18 to 25
Hello, Everyone.
Hope everyone is looking forward to spring break. Is anyone going on an interesting trip! Tell us about your plans on the vision Issues Forum.
Employment Opportunities for Visually Disabled: Courtesy of the American Foundation for the Blind.
1. Machine Operator - Kansas City, Kansas
2. Parcel Picker (Parcel Order Picker) - Pendergrass Georgia
3. Assistive Technology Instructor - Atlanta, Georgia
4. Principal, School for the Blind - Colorado Springs
5. Orientation and Mobility Specialist - Iowa
Job Accommodations Survey:
You can participate in a 20 - 30 minute survey expressing your emotions and perceptions concerning requesting reasonable accommodations for employment. An opportunity to receive a $25 gift certificate awarded by drawing from the first one hundred callers and a $10 gift certificate awarded from a drawing from the total number of callers is offered to participants completing a survey.
This Week’s Article:
Narrative TV’s Channel – YouTube.
Do you know someone who lost interest in television shows and movies due to vision loss? Do you wish you had a channel with a variety of programs that are narrated accessible without ordering? The article “Where can I find narrative movies for the blind” offers help. Click on link below to go directly to the article.
Forum News:
Visit the vision issues forum and answer the vision quiz, post your thoughts about myths and facts on vision loss and tell us about your spring break plans. Thanks.
Coming Next Week:
Sports Camps for the Visually Impaired!
Until next week – Have a Great Week!
Here's the latest article from the Vision Issues site at
Is ordering glasses online cheaper, safe and easy?
Is ordering glasses online cheaper? Is the process easy? What do I need to order glasses online? Learn how to make buying your next pair of glasses or sunglasses fun, secure and economical.
Please visit for even more great content about Vision Issues.
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I hope to hear from you sometime soon, either in the forum or in response to this email message. I thrive on your feedback!
Have fun passing this message along to family and friends, because we all love free knowledge!
Dean Ingalls, Vision Issues Editor
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