Editor Assistance Site Map

Editor Assistance
All of the articles here on the Editor Assistance Site are organized into categories. Browse through these categories to find the content you're looking for.

Here are some common questions and answers from BellaOnline hosts.

About BellaOnline
BellaOnline is an editor run site with an aim to help visitors with as few ads as possible.

Advertising is how a website makes money. Learn more about advertising on BellaOnline - how it supports our website, and how it helps editors earn money for their efforts.



Learn how to create and maintain a course in our system.

Ebooks are PDF files with content that you can read on your computer. They can include images and text, and are great ways to provide offline content for your users.

Editor Perks
By being an editor at BellaOnline, you automatically gain access to many wonderful perks and benefits!

Editor Standards
BellaOnline nurtures an environment of support, personal coaching and training to help each editor achieve her goals. Here are our standards to help us all achieve a high level of internet respect.

Email is the main way in which we stay in contact with our loyal visitors. It is critical that our mail work properly - and that we avoid becoming spam targets.

Forum & Chat
Your topic has a forum area to allow your loyal fans to ask questions, discuss topics and play games with each other. You can also run weekly or monthly chats with them, for book clubs and more!

Graphics & Logos
This area contains articles, links and information on how to add and use graphics on the web.

Newsletter Tips

Shops & Reviews

Site Enhancements

Social Networking
Social networking encompasses Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and all those other ways to get free traffic and marketing for the sites and projects you participate in!

Subjects and Links
Subjects help you to organize your site´s content into an easy to use directory. Please try to keep most of your links pointing to your own content!

It´s very important to set up a sweepstakes properly. Many states and countries have strict legal penalties for ´gambling´ infractions.

Traffic Building

Training Materials
IMPORTANT NOTE: This online training manual is meant to supplement, but not replace, the full training course. The training course is linked to in your admin area and includes quizzes.

Writing Tips
The content you write for BellaOnline is just the first step. Once you build up a library of content, you can remarket it in many different ways.

Be sure to visit the Editor Assistance Archives for all the articles!

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