Baby Shower Games

Baby Shower Games
Have you ever been to a baby shower that doesn’t have games? Unless you know all the guests there and have a lot to talk about it can get pretty boring. Baby shower games can change the atmosphere dramatically and can also keep people around longer. There are hundreds of games out there and the ones you choose are sure to be a hit. Finding games that include the mother-to-be and all the guests while not making people too uncomfortable is key. It’s important to choose a game that everyone will like and remember. After asking around and thinking back to baby showers that I’ve been to I came up with a few that may be the next big hit at your baby shower.

Baby Items Memory

Gather 20 baby items, small and large and place into a large box or basket. Be sure to have a baby blanket to cover the box up. Arrange the items so that they can be clearly seen by all of the guests. Have all of the guests sit in a large circle around the box and give each person a piece of paper and pen/pencil. Uncover the box for 2 minutes and let the guests look to see what’s inside. Make sure that no one is taking notes! At the end of the 2 minutes cover the box back up and have the guests write down as many items as they can remember. The winner is the person with the most items correct, and gets a door prize.

The box is then given to the mom-to-be! Some of the items you can use are:
-Diaper pins
-Teething Ring
-Rash Cream
-Nail Clippers
-Baby Powder
-Parenting Book
-Baby Washcloth
-Hooded Towel
-Nursing Pads
-Stuffed Animal
-Night Light
-Baby Wipes
-Teething Gel
-Baby Book

Since this box is going to be given to the mom-to-be it could be something that the host buys and then gives as a gift. You could also ask each guest to bring one or two of the small things (depending on guest count) unwrapped so that it could be included in the game.

Toilet Paper Belly

Have each guest tear off as much toilet paper as they think would fit around the mom’s pregnant belly! After everyone has their piece, compare to mom and see who’s closest. The person closest wins a door prize.

Animal Babies

Make a list of around 20 animals with a blank spot next to it for what their babies are called. Make enough copies for each guest. The person with the most answers correct wins a door prize.

Here’s a list of animals to use:
Alligator- hatchling
Bat- pup
Bear- cub
Camel- calf
Cat- kitten
Cattle- calf
Chicken- chick
Deer- fawn
Dinosaur- hatchling
Dog- pup
Donkey- colt
Eagle- fledgling, eaglet
Elephant- calf
Fish- fry, fingerling
Fox- kit, cub, pup
Giraffe- calf
Goat- kid, billy
Goose- gosling
Gorilla- infant
Horse- foal
Kangaroo- joey
Lion- cub
Mouse- pup, pinkie, kitten
Penguin- chick
Sheep- lamp, lambkin, or cosset
Turkey- poult

Super Mommy

Using the items below, this game will test to see who can be super mommy and multitask the best!
-Small clothes basket
-Baby clothes
-Clothes pins
-Baby doll
-Cordless phone or cell phone

Hang the clothesline or have two guests hold each end. Each guest takes a turn, holding the baby, talking on the phone and hanging clothes on the clothesline. The guest that hangs all of the clothes in the shortest amount of time is the winner. Make it a challenge, by telling the guest they can’t stop talking on the phone and they have to hold “baby” safely like they would a real baby!

Draw Baby Draw

Each guest will need a piece of card stock or flash card (around 3x5 in size) and a pen. Start by having each guest write their name on one side of the card. Next have each guest put the card on the top of their head and the host tells them to draw one body part. They will then bring their pen down and start the next body part without looking at paper or keeping pen in the same spot. Once you go through all the body parts the mom-to-be will pick the best drawing and they will win the prize.

Diaper and Dress Blindfold

For this game you will need the following:

4 Dolls
4 Onesies
4 Travel size Baby Powder
4 Travel size baby wipes
4 Baby socks (that will fit a doll)

Making teams of four have one team member at a time compete against the others. With the blindfolds on they will need to wipe, diaper and powder their baby and then dress in the onesie and socks. Each button has to be done up. The fastest to complete in each team will then compete against each other and the end winner gets the prize! Another alternative is having the fastest of each group be “tied” and each get a prize.

Memory Book

Make or buy a book that each guest can write a memory of the mom-to-be in. Pass around the book and each guest can write something they remember from her childhood or even just a compliment. Give this as a gift at the end of the shower and it will be something she can keep forever.

No matter which games you choose your baby shower is sure to be a hit if you take the time to make sure each guest and the mom-to-be is taken care of. Enjoy your party planning and most importantly, have fun!

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