Advantages of Scrapbooking at Home

Advantages of Scrapbooking at Home
Let’s talk again about Scrapbooker Sally. Sally enjoys going to crops (scrapbook events). She packs as much stuff into her car as possible and treks it all away to the crop. When she gets there, she realizes that she forgot her photos, her adhesive or some tool, paper or embellishment that is critical to her progress. Yep, it’s sad, but it happens, a lot.

This isn’t to say that crops are bad, far from it. Some people don’t have space at home. Or they may need to go away from home so that they are not easily distracted. Crops away from home have their benefits.

But scrapbooking at home also has its benefits, such as the advantage to have the supplies and tools at hand. There’s no forgetting something at home. No lifting heavy bags around, either.

Another benefit to scrapbooking at home is about the space. Sometimes the space is small, but some people are lucky enough to be able to have a dedicated scrapbook space, like a room or even a basement or garage space.

This space can be set up, even built, to be personalized. It is great to have a chair that always sits at the perfect height or having a table that fits specific needs. Many scrappers paint their space a color that inspires them to create. The environment can be set to a perfect temperature and can be flooded with light from whatever source the scrapper prefers.

The scrapbook space can also be organized to a personalized level. Let me explain what that means. Any scrapper can be organized, even at a crop, but this is a little different. At home, the organization can be something like a wall hung ribbon organizer or special cabinets. Those are things that wouldn’t be considered moveable. It could also be as simple as organizers put into drawers that specifically fit actual tools or products.

Many people find organization to be critical to being able to create. If there isn’t a clean space or if they can’t find the items they need, it makes progress difficult. For example, if the layout is about a specific event and the scrapper knows they have paper to match or a special embellishment, without that high level of organization, they may not feel able to complete their layout. They may also spend more than necessary and go to re-purchase the item(s.)

One last benefit of working at home is choosing who and how many people working in one place. Many scrappers enjoy working alone on their projects. Working at home allows for this or to invite those who the scrapper enjoys working with. This can be a benefit that helps build relationships or it can offer a kind of therapy to help the scrapper relax.

Take a look at the choice to scrapbook at home or away from home. Look at what works for you. Mix or match options to have the maximum benefit – add new friends at a crop or have an organized, personalized space that matches your specific needs! Each of these options can help add to the progress and ease of completing your scrapbook.

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This content was written by Kathleen Rensel. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Michelle McVaney for details.