Bird Encyclopedia - C

Bird Encyclopedia - C
Catbirds, chickadees, cardinals, cowbirds and crows are just a few of the birds that begin with the letter C.

Cactus Wren
The cactus wren was made the state bird of Arizona in 1973. It´s known for building many decoy nests to help keep its primary nest safe.

California Quail
The California Quail is the state bird of California.

Canadian Goose
Common at golf courses and parks everywhere, the Canadian Goose is actually a menace in some areas and at airports.

Cardinals are most well known for their bright red colors on a snowy winter day - the Cardinalis cardinalis is named of course for its red feathers.

The first photo from Jeremy´s collection of Australian bird photos is of the cassowary. This is a large bird that is endangered.

Here´s a collection of photos of the elusive catbird.

Chickadees are perhaps one of the friendliest birds in the US. They can easily be trained to come down and eat seed from your hands, and love both mixed seed and sunflower seeds. They´ll even nibble on thistle or suet if it´s made available.

Chicken, Blue Hen
The Blue Hen Chicken has been the state bird of Delaware since 1939. This gorgeous chicken originally came from Kent County and was used in cockfights.

Chinese Goose
The Chinese Goose is a farm animal based on stock from ... you guessed it ... China. They are very productive and extremely popular.

Chipping Sparrow
One of the most common sparrows in the US and Canada, the chipping sparrow has a red-brown cap and grey-white breast.

Common Grackle
The Common Grackle, or Quiscalus quiscula, is usually looked down on by birders. Boring black, no song, it doesn´t seem to have much to offer.

Common Loon
The Common Loon is found throughout most of North America. It is well known to hikers and fishermen.

Cormorants are swimming fish that swim after their prey. They're found in marshlands across the US, as well as in Canada and Mexico.

Crow Photos
The crow is picked on by many birders. Large, black, it destroys crops. Still, a crow is part of the web of birding as much as any other bird.

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