Should You Give An Aquarium as a Christmas Gift?

Should You Give An Aquarium as a Christmas Gift?
Should you give aquarium fish as a Christmas gift? It’s the same discussion that people have about whether or not a puppy is an appropriate gift to give.

A fish is a living creature and needs care and love. So, if you know someone who is ready for this and really wants to do it and looks forward to being a fish keeper and already has some experience at it and you are willing to help and to be a fish-sitter anytime your friend or family member needs you, then the answer is a possible “yes”.

You need to know well the person to whom you are giving the fishy Christmas gift to know if all of the above criteria hold true for that person. It’s only fair to the fishy - whether it be a glorious Betta or a heavenly Angel or a funny Clownfish or a cute Molly. They live their lives in the moment with joy and think we are the world - and to them, we are; and so should they be to us.

Of course, I want to promote the love and care of aquarium fish, since as much as they need us; we need them in some senses.

An aquarium really is a lovely gift! People will love it if you give it to the right person and are willing to invest time and energy to help set it up and ensure the fish are fine and well taken care of. There are many friends and family members who will really love it - and it’s a great way to spend quality time with your kids and to teach love of animals and to care for our environment. In a world that is largely man-made nowadays - pet fish are a way for us to be close to nature.

Whichever fish and aquarium and supplies and fish food you choose for this wonderful Christmas gift you will bestow on the lucky person who has a passion for aquaria; please, please, please be sure to include at least one good book on fish care - or even a whole armload of books on this important subject! There is power in information and this good information can help ensure a longer and healthier and happier life for the little fishies in the care of the joyful recipient of your fishy gift.

You Should Also Read:
The Importance of Clean Water For Betta Fish

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This content was written by Mary Brennecke. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Mary Brennecke for details.