Easier Publishing and Testing Flash Pro CS5.5

Easier Publishing and Testing Flash Pro CS5.5
The improved Properties and Publish Settings dialog boxes make setting up and testing your FlashR project much easier because the most needed controls are accessible from the Properties panel.

Document Settings

In previous versions of Flash, we used the Document Settings dialog box to set the stage dimensions, background color and frame rate options for our project. After starting a new project, we then would click Modify - Document from the main menu to open this dialog box and we still can do so. However, we can now easily set these same values from the Properties panel, which is more easily accessible. Just under the Publish section in the Properties panel, you will find the Properties section and the new controls for these document settings.

When you do want to open the Documents Settings dialog box, you can do so from the Properties panel by clicking the icon. When you do so, you will see the new Auto-Save option that tells Flash to automatically save your open document as you work. The default interval is 10 minutes but this can be changed. This auto-save feature will be a life saver for many of us who get so involved in our work that we forget to save that work. Now, we have no reason for losing hours of work because of a system crash.

Publish Settings

Also in previous versions of Flash, we used the three tabs (Formats, Flash and HTML) in the Publish Settings dialog box to specify the publish settings for our document. Now, we can set the Flash Player and ActionScript settings from the Properties panel or click the button to open the newly designed Publish Settings dialog box.

Those three tabs in the old Publish Settings dialog box have been combined into one panel. On the left, we can choose multiple formats for our document and in the right column we can set the individual settings for these formats. You will also notice a new option to publish a SWC file, which is a package of precompiled symbols and ActionScript. On the right you will see that Flash now uses relative paths for the Output files. Finally, at the top of this panel, we can easily set the Profile, Flash Player and ActionScript options.

Testing on Mobile Devices

If you have a USB cable, your computer, an Android-based device and Adobe Air 2.6 you can test your mobile app on a real device instead of the simulator. During testing you can set break points and trace statements. Once you connect your device to your computer, the application will be compiled and played directly on your device.

*Adobe provided a review copy to me free of charge.

IMPORTANT: These app development tutorials are written with the Flash novice in mind. You will need to optimize your app beyond what is covered in these tutorials before finalizing your app for the app store.

Copyright 2018 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Adobe product screen shot(s) reprinted with permission from Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe, Photoshop, Photoshop Album, Photoshop Elements, Illustrator, InDesign, GoLive, Acrobat, Cue, Premiere Pro, Premiere Elements, Bridge, After Effects, InCopy, Dreamweaver, Flash, ActionScript, Fireworks, Contribute, Captivate, Flash Catalyst and Flash Paper is/are either [a] registered trademark[s] or a trademark[s] of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.

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