Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare
A dear friend of mine brought to my attention something I’ve actually felt for quite some time. It had me wondering, if I could sense it building in intensity, quite possibly there were other people feeling the same thing.

Each of us has a role we play in life. It’s an invisible calling and no matter what we do or where we go, it never quite disappears. It follows us.

Over the years, to make ends meet, I've been many things. A waitress, cashier, caretaker, banker, manager, counselor, writer. No matter where I go or what I do, some how, some way, someone within those surroundings ask the same 7 worded question.

“Do you ever feel like something’s coming?”

Respectfully and almost immediately, quietly I'd respond, “Yes, yes, I do...“

After a bit of time, almost testing the water, they’d continue. It would be the same type of description. Nothing that could really be seen, but at times felt so overwhelming it would wake them in the middle of the night, difficult to breath!

Spiritual Warfare

There are actual forces of good and evil. People who are especially sensitive are more prone to these waves of influence than others. That doesn’t mean there isn’t a Spiritual war for everyone else, they just may not feel the effects as much or have the means to take their minds off it more so than others.

Like any war, there are certain things we can do to help protect ourselves and continue at our strongest!

  • Avoid Isolation

  • Release

  • Have Fun

Isolation, as tempting as it may seem, avoid continuous cycles of it. There is Spiritual Warfare, but there’s also beauty, miracles & life just waiting in places we have yet to even explore! Too much time alone can actually work against us, because your surrounded by your own thoughts.

Release, (release, release, release)! It’s not only o.k., but it's healthy to be angry with people, cry, scream in frustration and even find a nice corner to retreat to. This particular ship was meant to travel lightly. It has many stops to make along it's journey. People and cargo will come and go so there's no point holding on to luggage that isn't your own.

Have fun! You’re not alone battling this thing. None of us are. We have strength in numbers and some very supportive networks Spiritually and physically. Connect with your Angels and network with your Spiritual family scattered about this Earthly plane!

Clairvoyance Editor

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This content was written by Karen Elleise. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Karen Elleise for details.