Spawn Armageddon - XBox Comic Game

Spawn Armageddon - XBox Comic Game
Spawn Armageddon is a mature title for the XBox, based on the comic book character. Regret and hatred is all he is made of now.

If you're not familiar with Spawn, he was originally a CIA agent who was slain when he tried to quit. He went to Hell, and made a deal with the Devil to lead their forces in exchange for seeing his loved wife again. Unfortunately for Spawn, he's sent back disfigured and without a memory, so he wears a full body outfit and only slowly remembers his past.

In the game, you start out barely remembering your wife and a burning pain. You're in New York City and an unknown attacker is causing trouble, and you decide to take it on. Soon there are legions of demons jumping through the streets for you to slay in bloody gore.

You've got a fascinating array of Hell-powers including time slowdown and chain weapons. Those familiar with the comic book tale will enjoy submersing in an atmosphere very like that world.

The gameplay is very linear and directed. You have to clear all enemies in an area before, miraculously, the way becomes clear to move on. You destroy objects near you to find health. There isn't much stealth or thought involved here. You kill, kill, destroy, and move on. Each mission gives you a rating which you can go back to try to improve. You can't save within missions - either you finish it or you have to start from the beginning again.

In between missions, you can buy ammo, upgrade weapons or in other ways enhance your character. So it really does matter to do the very best you can on a level to make sure you're ready for the next challenge.

We liked the warping effect caused by your weapons as they intersected with walls. On the other hand, we didn't like the sense of Deja Vu - that we were doing in essence the same thing over and over again. Yes, it's an interesting world - but there could have been much more variety in the levels and challenges presented.

Well worth it if you're a comic book or hack-and-slash fan, but otherwise rent rent it first to see how it appeals to you.

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