Habits that Annoy Co-workers

Habits that Annoy Co-workers
Believe it or not, we don’t see ourselves as others see us. Our little quirks such as favorite foods, perfumes and music really are just that, our favorites. There are times when our favorite may not be well-liked or appreciated by our co-workers, so we need to pay attention to our little habits which may cause others to turn and run in the other direction.


Expensive or cheap, perfumes can often be overpowering. There may also be co-workers with allergies or a sensitivity to smells. In an effort to obtain that “all day smell,” people even douse themselves in the hope that the scent will linger all day. The problem is that one whiff of a strong perfume can overpower anyone within three to four cubicles, if not the entire floor. The guideline for perfumes and cologne should be - less is best. While it may not bother you, take your office-mates into consideration when determining the amount of fragrance, cologne or perfume, to wear.

Lunch at Your Desk

Are you saving money by bringing your lunch from home? Remember that not everyone enjoys the same foods. That liverwurst sandwich or remains from a greasy fried chicken dinner may wreak havoc on delicate stomachs. Take-out food can also cause the same problem; your choice of lunch may not be a fan favorite of anyone within smelling distance. If your lunch carries any type of smell, it’s best to eat it in a breakroom specifically designed for that purpose. If the room has a door, it should be shut during lunch periods to contain any smells.

Engaging in Private Telephone Calls

The power of privacy is important. Not everyone in the office wants to hear about the latest fight you had with your spouse or Aunt Jenny’s gallstone operation. In fact, there are times even co-workers who thrive on the gossip mill would prefer not to hear some of the gory details shared on private telephone calls. Remember that your personal life is just that, personal, and should not be shared with others in the office.

Remember that it is not just major habits that can annoy co-workers, sometimes we may unwittingly annoy them by engaging in every day habits. By being mindful of simple things like smells and noise levels, we can be a better co-worker to our peers.

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