Fade In and Out Behavior In Motion

Fade In and Out Behavior In Motion
Now that we have our graphic in place and set to the correct duration on the MotionR Timeline, we are ready to add a behavior to the image. We want to have the image fade in at the beginning of the video and fade out at the six second position. We can do this with a Motion behavior called Fade In/Fade Out.

  1. Place the Playhead at the beginning of the Timeline. Select the image layer in the Layers pane. Go to the Library - Behaviors - Basic Motion folder. Choose the Fade In/Fade Out behavior from the Stack. Click the Apply button.

    You should see the image disappear from the Canvas, because the default for this behavior is to have the image be invisible at the start of the Timeline. A new layer for the Fade In/Fade Out behavior appears under the image layer in both the Layers pane and the Timeline. You will notice that the duration of the behavior layer automatically matches the duration of the image layer.

    If you play the animation, you will see that the image does fade in and out as expected. We can adjust the duration of the fade in and fade out via the HUD.

    With the Playhead at the beginning of the Timeline, select the Fade In/Fade Out layer. Click Window - Show HUD. As you can see, the HUD shows both the Fade In and Out durations as blue triangles, with a duration of 20 frames each. Let’s increase the duration to 30 frames each.

  2. Drag the blue areas on both sides of the gray rectangle in the HUD until each blue area is set to 30 seconds.

    You could also use the sliders in the Inspector to make these changes.

  3. Click the Inspector tab and then the Behaviors tab to show the Fade in/Fade Out controls. Move the Fade In Time slider to 30 frames and repeat this for the Fade Out Time slider. You will notice that these changes are reflected in the HUD.

Now that we have the main graphic in place for the intro, we can build our open title. We will do this by adding the text with the Text tool and then applying the same Fade In/Fade Out behavior to that text. Because we will be using the same 30 frames setting as before, we can simply copy/paste the behavior from the graphic to the text layer.

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This content was written by Diane Cipollo. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Diane Cipollo for details.