Wish Upon a Hero Connects Heroes with Causes

Wish Upon a Hero Connects Heroes with Causes
Have you ever wished upon a star? I used to do it all the time when I was a child. And now, I can do it again with this great social helping site called Wish Upon a Hero. It's sole purpose is to connect people with wishes to those who have the power to make them come true.

I get a lot of e-mail from folks needing help. Sometimes, people just need a little help. But, sometimes they need a lot. Either way, I wish I could help them, but I can’t. I just I write about charity. Our site is not a charitable organization with money to donate. Now that I know about Wish Upon a Hero, I'm going to advise my readers to stop star gazing and give Wish Upon a Hero a try.

Here's how it works; it's really quite simple. If you have a wish you’d like to make, you go online and register for free. Then, post your wish. Heroes looking to help others in need will go online, check out your wish and, who knows, maybe your wish will come true.

I’ve gone online to check it out, and there are all kinds of wishes. I’ve seen wishes from folks who have lost their jobs and need $1,500 to meet next month’s mortgage. There are wishes from folks without health insurance seeking financial assistance for their children’s surgeries. A platoon of American soldiers serving in Iraq wished for an air hockey table, and they found a hero who sent it to them. I heard from a poster on the Charity forum recently that just wanted to be able to afford to take her husband out to dinner for their anniversary.

Some wishes don’t involve money. For instance, I noticed a recent wish for people to send get well cards to a little girl recovering from a serious illness. Other people ask for prayers to be said in someone’s honor. One disabled gentleman is asking for help from an experienced dog trainer so he can train his dog to be a service dog.

The wishes really run the gamut, and many of them do get granted. Since the site was founded in 2007, heroes have helped grant 30,000 of the 46,000 wishes that have been posted.

The "super" hero at Wish Upon a Hero is founder Dave Girgenti, a NJ resident who witnessed the 9/11 attacks on New York City. He watched as families and friends posted photos of their missing loved ones looking for any information on them at all. Girgenti thought there had to be a better, faster way to connect people in need of help. Then, when Hurricane Katrina hit and people were in desperate need of life’s necessities, Girgenti knew that there were many heroes out there who would help. He just had to find them.

So Wish Upon a Hero was born with Girgenti’s motto: “no wish too large and no hero too small.” I agree. So, if you have a wish, make it known. And if you want to help, grant a wish. I just love the power of the internet. Don’t you?

Wish Upon a Hero
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