Dream Cards - Review

Dream  Cards - Review
I became aware of Strephon Kaplan-Williams' Dream Cards nearly ten years ago. My practicum supervisor was taking a university course on the psychology of dreams and this was the required text! I'd recently begun exploring spiritual and "new age" issues, so I purchased a set of my own. They've been a favorite ever since, and I even bought a leather book cover to keep them in. They fit perfectly.

There are many ways that you can use these cards. In addition to using them for dream interpretation, they may also be used as a meditation and self-exploration tool. The Dream Cards can also be used in a manner similar to the tarot for obtaining some direction into the future.

The deck consists of 52 cards with beautiful images. The artwork does contain nudity and a few images are sexually suggestive, so if you are offended by such, these cards are not for you.

A second set of cards explains the meaning of the images and includes affirmations for each symbol that will empower and inspire you to explore yourself and your dreams further. The cards also define a specific task for the dreamer based on the symbols that were present in the dream.

The accompanying book provides information about dreams and dreaming and contains a wonderful cross-reference for the symbols. Through using these cards, I found that several groups of symbols represent same or similar meanings. I don't believe that I've found that information in other books and dream dictionaries that I have used.

I highly recommend the Dream Cards for anyone who wants to explore the possibilities of the power of dreams.

Parthena Black is a professional social worker and ordained minister with experience in tarot and runes. For private spiritual counseling and intuitive readings via e-mail, please visit her at oymygoddess.com.

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