Gouldian Finches

Gouldian Finches
A Gouldian Finch (or Lady Gouldian) is one of the most beautiful little birds you will ever hope to see. They look as if someone who loves colours has painted them. John Gould, who was curator of birds for the British Museum named this bird Lady Gould, after his wife Elizabeth, following her death. Elizabeth was a water color artist and she used to help him with his work by illustrating birds.

The Gouldian originates from northern Australia where they are currently endangered. In the wild, their head colour would be either red, black or orange; their upper breast would be purple with yellow below and their back would be green.

Breeders have bred mutations that now have back colours of blue or yellow & upper breast of white as well as the normal colours in pastel shades. With these extra colours, the combinations can be stunning and there are more colours coming all the time.

I have to admit though that my favourite is still the red headed normal.

Photo courtesy My Gouldian Aviary.

Before the first moult at around 10 months, the sexes look alike, but after the moult, the males are much brighter than the females.

The Gouldian is a peaceful bird that can be very happy in a flight consisting of a mixed collection of similar temperment birds.

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