Pampering Your Feet

Pampering Your Feet
The feet and toes are the foundation for our body, and mobility. They need to be flexible and strong, well giving us balance. The average person will walk more then 250.000 miles. (That is the distance from the earth to the moon) During their lifetime.

Each foot contains 26 bones, 33 muscles, 31 joints, 107 ligaments, and has over 7000 nerve ending in each foot. Twenty five percent of all bones in our body are in your feet. (52 bones in a pair of feet), this show that the feet are extremely important to the body.

Have you notice, when your feet are tired and tense, our whole body feels the aches. And did you know, Signs of arthritis, diabetes, circulatory problems, often appear first in the feet.

Adding yoga, and massage to your daily foot care routine, can help ease pain, and increase muscle tone in your feet and connective tissue.

Giving yourself a daily foot massage, can be so soothing and relaxing, easing tension and knots held in the feet. Your whole body just feels better after a good foot massage.

Yoga, one of the advantages of yoga is that it is gentle, and can be practice anywhere, by people of all age, with out special equipment. Yoga pose starts from the ground and works up, requiring work from your feet and toes.

The exercise below help restore flexibility, strength, and mobility to feet, and toes.

Tennis Ball:
Roll the entire sole of the foot on a tennis ball. This break up tension held in the feet, there are many important pressure points on the sole of the feet, the gentle pressure on the muscles and connective tissue can relieve tension. In Reflexology, there are pressure points on the feet that correspond to certain parts of your body

Foot Stretch:
Sit on the floor with your legs in front of you. Loop the towel around your feet. Keeping the heels on the floor, pull with both hands. Use the towel to draw the mid foot and toes towards your body. Hold for few seconds, relax, and repeat 3 times.

Picking up Marbles with your Toes:
By using your toes to pick up marbles you are strengthening the foot muscles and using each individual toes. Young ones will love this one.

For Toe Agility:
Sit on a chair, put a towel on the floor, under your toes, and stretched out away from your foot. Keeping your foot flat, use your toes to drag, the towel back towards your foot, so that the towel bunches up. Repeat

Massage Oil:
2- teaspoons, jojoba oil, or extra-virgin olive oil
3- drops lavender oil, 1-drop chamomile oil, 1-drop geranium oil.
Combine all the ingredients in a small bowl. Stir thoroughly. Yields one treatment.
Rub oiled hands together, vigorously to warm them before beginning your foot massage.

Foot Massage:
Sit on the floor, place your foot on the opposite thigh, apply pressure with your thumbs to the sole of your foot, working from the bottom, to the arch, then to the top nears your big toe. Switch feet and repeat three times.

Now massage each toe by holding it firmly, moving it from side to side, extend each toe gently out away from the ball of your foot, then apply pressure to the areas between your toes bend your toes backward holding them there for 5 to 10 seconds, then bend opposite direction, hold five to ten seconds.

Milk bath for feet:
3c. Warm, whole milk or you can use powder milk.
In another bowl mix 1/2c. Sea salt or sugar and 1/3c olive oil.
Soak feet in the milk for 20mins, then exfoliate with salt mixture, rinse and apply a moisturizer.

Use a natural oil or aloe vera gel since feet require more than a simple lotion.
Use tea tree oil at the first sign of an infection.
For cranked heels mix a few drops of lemon juice in Vaseline and apply gently to heels.

Pamper your Feet and your Body will Appreciate You.

The information provided is for informational purpose only.
Always Inform Your Physician, of any New Alternative Medicine
you might be considering, before self-treatment.

You Should Also Read:
Information on reflexology
Ten Top Tips for your feet
Yoga Foot Exercises

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This content was written by Victoria Abreo. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Victoria Abreo for details.