The Art of Dreaming - Tools for Creative Dream Work

The Art of Dreaming - Tools  for  Creative Dream Work
You consider yourself a creative and intuitive individual, yet you're sometimes frustrated in your efforts at dream interpretation. Clinical psychologist and registered expressive arts therapist Jill Mellick can help you take your dreams beyond traditional methods of interpretation by taking an active and creative role in your personal practice.

As an artist, I am impressed and excited by this book. Mellick presents a multitude of creative means to go within your dreams in the physical world using imagination and reflection. Methods include:

  • Sketching
  • Painting
  • Writing
  • Sculpting
  • Collage
  • Ritual

Even if you do not consider yourself artistic or "craftsy," at least one of these methods will work for you. Mellick also includes a chapters on "Expressive Dream Work" in five, ten or fifteen minutes, making this type of dream work even more enticing and practical.

By using Mellick's methods, you will uncover the deep meanings and messages your dreams are sending you by delving into the artist that lives within all of us.

I highly recommend supplementing the ideas in this book with those presented in Sally J. Nelson's

Night Wings - A Soulful Dreaming and Writing Practice

May all your dreams come true!

Parthena Black is a professional social worker and ordained minister with experience in tarot and runes. For private spiritual counseling and intuitive readings via e-mail, please visit her at

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