One False Note Comprehension Lesson

One False Note Comprehension Lesson
The culmination of One False Note was exciting and interesting. Begin your review of the final half of the book (chapters 11-20) with the following questions:
1. Why did Nellie think Venice would be so wonderful?
answer: It's considered the romance capital of the world!
2. What skill did the Janus branch members possess?
answer: They were artists in one form or another.
3. What did Amy and Dan find behind the glass in the Janus HQ?
answer: The missing pages from Nannerl's diary.
4. Why did Saladin refuse to eat?
answer: He went on a hunger strike because he wanted to just eat red snapper, and not cat food.
5. How did Amy and Dan plan to play Ben's music on the harpsichord?
answer: They would play the music when the museum closed and no one was there. They decided to hide until then.

Ask your homeschooler the following critical thought based questions, and encourage them to either write a response or discuss it with you.
1. Do you think it was fair that Nannerl did not get the same recognition as her brother, when they were both so talented? Why or why not?
2. Do you think Nellie was enjoying her time in Venice with Amy and Dan, or do you think she wished she was back home? Why or why not?
3. Can you see yourself being part of the Janus branch? Are you artistic? How?

Be sure to review vocabulary and spelling words that you emphasized throughout the book, possibly giving a quiz as an assessment. Have your homeschooler create a poster showing the first two branches discussed in The 39 Clues, specifically Lucian and Janus. Your child can draw the emblem, as well as list the characteristics that these two branches tend to represent. Have your child determine whether he or she thinks they are possibly a Lucian or a Janus, and who they think other family members might be. Get ready for Book #3!

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One False Note Lesson Plan
One False Note Music Extension

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